DECEMBER 9, 2024
One day, societies are inclusive, safe and sustainable. – RESCALED
On October 21st we departed from Prague Airport to find inspiration regarding steps toward this kind of society – ones that we could make happen in the Czech Republic. We planned and executed the trip in a single month, because when the opportunity to visit restorative cities came within the INSPIRE Project, it was one we could not refuse. Our group of three – Katka as coordinator of Kotlaska Community Centre and Garden, Silvie as a lawyer and Lucie as counsellor – could not be more excited.
Our journey to find restorative inspiration in Dutch organisations started with RJN – Restorative Justice Nederland. Our dear trip coordinator Veronique Aicha made sure we had a programme full of interesting points, and we are beyond thankful for that.
Dutch Design Week
The first day was dedicated to the exploration of Dutch Design Week – an event that pulses through the whole city of Eindhoven every year. We were surprised to find that it focuses not only on design on its own but rather designing a future for all, one of its missions this year being Equal Society. As our time was limited, we chose two locations connected with restorative city.
Starting at the office of Doorpakkers, NGO in forensic care, we got the chance to see an exhibition celebrating detention houses in multiple European countries who are part of the RESCALED movement and presenting the restorative city concept in a practical handbook. At this location it was also possible for us to attend the Restorative City Walk. Walking through the city with a group of professionals, we were getting to know the principles of a restorative city and means of achieving a restorative, community-based approach to current social challenges. Our guide Laura Verstraete (RJN) talked to us about the importance of safety, responsibility, solidarity and sustainability and the ways in which the city of Eindhoven incorporates these principles into everyday life. During the walk we also visited the community court in Eindhoven, which deals with minor offences of people with difficulties in several areas of life. Collaboration between justice partners and social sector organisations, led by the judge, is necessary to find sustainable solutions to the underlying problems of people in conflict with the law and their neighbourhood.
Following Veronique’s recommendation, we then went to see the Embassy of Safety, one of the World Design Embassies at Dutch Design Week. This exhibition gave the visitor an insight into how citizens, organisations in the field of safety and designers can collaborate to reimagine safety, wanting to involve everyone who is affected in creating this new approach.
On day 2 we visited Intermezzo – a 24/7 forensic care detention facility run by Doorpakkers, an organisation with multiple programs in this area of expertise. The facility is located in a quiet neighbourhood and can house 23 residents. They come here both from prison to finish their sentence or without having been in prison at all. The target group are men above 18 years of age who face multiple challenges, e.g. mental health problems, substance use disorders, socio-economic problems, and/or mild intellectual disabilities.
Akeem Elmin, the director of Doorpakkers, kindly answered all our questions and showed us around the facility, demonstrating how the care is tailored to suit individual needs of the residents, but also their sentence, which determines the length and circumstances of their stay. They live in single rooms, gradually joining in on meaningful day activities, later on preferably finding a job. To our surprise Akeem said the residents pay nothing to stay in the detention facility, moreover, the facility provides money to spend on food for those who have already advanced in their recovery and can cook their own meals. This happens even if residents have a job and receive a salary.
Intermezzo employees act as case managers and work closely with the Dutch Probation Service, professionals in mental health care and other local organisations.
Neighbourhood for Recovery
The very last stop we made was at Lister, an organisation in mental health care, with case manager Malou Sprokholt guiding us through BUUR – an exceptional project of mixed housing. In three buildings, there are 450 flats – 74 for Lister residents and the rest are available for rent to the general population. Out of the 74 clients some live with a mental illness and cannot live on their own at the moment, others need forensic care. 28 employees are there for the residents according to their individual needs, up to 24/7. Case managers collaborate closely with other local organisations, regarding the forensic care clients, one of those being the Probation Service.
As the housing crisis in Czechia has been deepening over the last few years, we were wondering how Utrecht was holding up with a similar housing shortage – how did an NGO get the flats for this project? Malou says it is Utrecht government policy that no person should end up without a roof over their head, so a part of newly built building is given to the city. ‘Are people from the general population not angry?’, we wondered. On the contrary, it seems, some people choose the site for their living because of its contribution to society.
To be considered for the flat, the people who are not Lister residents need to write a cover letter explaining why they are interested in living here. It is expected that residents will act as ‘good neighbours’, will participate in community activities and help when needed. There is also a community centre that’s part of BUUR, which is open to everyone who wants to spend free time with the community.
Inspiration for Czechia
In conclusion, the Netherlands have developed, in many ways, an inspirational justice system and restorative districts. We are most grateful to the organisations with whom we share the thoughts and principles of restorative cities, restorative justice and RESCALED, who welcomed us and shared with us their work and its outcomes. Hopefully one day we will see the Restorative City concept implemented in Prague and will be able to repay the favour.
A special thanks to the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union as donor to the INSPIRE project.
Project INSPIRE – Incarceration & Social Purpose in Restorative Cities is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.